Monday, September 27, 2010

Scientific "Marriage" Techniques

This one is for all those, who have been bluffed by their partners, that they are ready for the Big 'M'. Believe me you can always fool yourself to think that you are, but there are some Scientific Techniques of finding out the truth.
So it's simple now, just follow any of these listed techniques, and find it for yourself.

1: The Room Trap Technique

Technique Summary: This is a very easy and efficient way to find out. Here's how you can do it.

One fine day enter into your bedroom, take a big iron lock, and lock your room from inside. and then throw the key outside from the window. make sure that you don't have anything of interest with you in the room. No laptops, mobile,etc...

Now if you are able to stay in that room, without any problem, till someone discovers that you have been in that room for last 2 days, without any food, water and entertainment. It means that you are ready to Go!

Else, if you start feeling TRAPPED! and you start crying for help, you want to get out, but you have no key and you feel helpless....then you have got it, it's what the marriage is all about! stay away from it

2: The Credit Card Abuse Technique

Technique Summary: On one fine day go to a busy market street, and drop your credit card on the road and you are all set, just come back to home. and sit relaxed for month, and wait for your credit card statement to come.

Now please go through the bill and details of how your credit card got abused. If you can take all this and still smile and are in position to pay the bill, then you are ready! just say those words "I do"

Else please understand that your credit card will be abused like this for the rest of your life, and you will have to take all this with a smile on your face. so think twice before you do the DO!

3: The Chewing Gum Technique

Technique Summary: A very simple, quick but effective technique. Go to your nearest super store and buy a single chewing gum. Now put into your mouth and start chewing it, enjoy the sweet flavored juices, which will flow in your mouth for sometime, then the chewing will start turning tasteless, and bland. now you will be tempted to spit the gum and replace with a fresh one. so the real test starts now. You have to keep chewing that gum for the rest of the day. no sweetness, no artificial flavors, no juices, Just a piece of rubber in your mouth.

If you can do it successfully, then the gates of marriage are open and also welcoming you in. Else, some relationships can become like a stale chewing gum, and you have to get used to them, before you get into them.

Hope the above mentioned techniques, will help you in take this important decision of life. These techniques are certified by ISO 2008 Indian Govt Quality Process. Please note that the govt. officials were not bribed to get this done!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Slaves of Our Words!

Once upon a time an old man spread rumors that his neighbor was a thief. As a result, the young man was arrested. Days later the young man was proven innocent. After he was released he sued the old man for wrongly accusing him.

In court the old man told the Judge: 'They were just comments, they were not meant to harm anyone.'

The judge, before passing sentence on the case, told the old man: 'Write all the things you said about him on a piece of paper. Cut them up and on the way home; throw the pieces of paper out. Tomorrow, come back to hear the sentence.'

The next day, the judge told the old man: 'Before receiving the sentence, you will have to go out and gather all the pieces of paper that you threw out yesterday.'

The old man said: 'I can't do that! The wind spread them and I won't know where to find them.'

The judge then replied: 'The same way, simple comments may destroy the honor of a man to such an extent that one is not able to fix it. If you can't speak well of someone, rather don't say anything.’

Let's all be masters of our mouths, so that we won't be slaves of our words!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Bizarrely!!! When uneducated populace adopting technology……..why not the good manners & culture?

Yes, this is the question raises in my mind when I see people wandering around without the common knowledge of good manners and culture. But stylishly showcase their foreign cars, gadgets, cell phones, laptops etc.,

The value which public gives for the goods they acquire & carry, they don’t give for behavior. I have seen most of the uneducated behaving blatantly in public places like theatres, hotels, at signals, temples etc., which makes surroundings filthy and spoils the environment.

Public chew pan and throw/spit it wherever they stand not bothering surroundings, they don’t even think about public standing beside..them.

Now a day’s, people smoke even in autos, not bothering about public. How tragic….. Where the society is going……..

Who will make them understand and How ?

They imitate all except the good culture.

How to educate them? That this type of attitude is treacherous to society and they are also a part of it.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


1. Concentrate on what u can give to a Friend, but Not what u can get out of Friendship
2. Encourage & Motivate ur Friend every moment
3. Always try to Forgive ur Friends
4. Believe ur Friends & Be Reliable and Loyal
5. Don't ever try to control ur Friends
6. Accept Positives & Negetives and  personality differences in ur Friends
7. Stand by for Good times & Bad times
8. Maintain Secrets
9. Criticise smoothly & be straight forward
10. Dont let arguments destroy ur Friendship

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


sandhya rani: REUNION AND REMINISCENCES ..........HOW BEAUTIFUL....: " Beautiful and Fantastic..........the reunion , name itse..."

How Beautiful and Fantastic..........the reunion  , name itself sound and feels happiness. Every community must have the Reunions. Recollecting the sweet memories and rejoicing...........the present is most important for everybody to boost up their energies.
"Everyone in the party seems most exciting and enjoying the Moments and delighted with each other's presence" {if you observe in photos}
Not only celebrities, even common public should go for these type of Reunions. Take time to meet old friends and never hesitate to meet your old pals because they are the golden days you enjoyed with them and shared good&bad with them. It never makes difference.